Human Capital Management

We offer a variety of solutions to include empowerment, recruitment, training, and manpower planning.

We are able to make decisions according to strategies and align the plans to improve & enhance the total employee outcome.

This service depends on facing the biggest challenge, which is managing employees correctly.

We are providing the most efficient plans to maximize the human capital productively.

We solve your problems and become your partner in idealization and implementation.

We are providing academic and practical solutions with strong experience in the field of consulting for this department.

Our solutions

Recruitment and Selection:

Build a new salary scale with variable parts to link it with performance. Build a competitive salary.

Maintain a manpower plan to reduce labor costs without affecting outcome quality and new Job Role Profile and Flat Structure

Workload Analysis Project:

We are experts in setting the proper plans to calculate your staff workload to reach the optimum total manpower.

It is very important to estimate the resources required to carry out all project related activities. This includes human, material and financial resources. We base resource allocation on the talent required for each business and their availability within the organization.

Our strategy often includes a four-part study that addresses company operations, customers, learning and growth, and finance. Professionals can then analyze these four factors separately, find successes and failures, and award a score or create visualizations that show the relative success of the company.

training and development:

Set the ideal induction training program according to international quality standards.

Train the HR Department to treat all employees with a customer service approach. 

Create and implement a full orientation program for the new staff (induction).

Intellectual capital

We are concerned with including the expertise, experience, and knowledge of the workforce as well as databases, corporate, and relationships with business partners.

We may also include any inventions or discoveries produced by the company, in addition to product development for your company.

organizations rely heavily on intellectual capital to gain a competitive advantage and produce long-term commercial value. It consists of human, structural, and relational capital, all of which must be effectively managed in order to create and sustain value.

The intellectual capital management process can help organizations identify, evaluate, and deploy their resources more effectively by tying them to their strategic goal.

This allows organizations to reach their desired position and produce value for their stakeholders. As the business landscape changes, organizations that prioritize intellectual capital management and invest in people, infrastructure, and relationships will be better positioned to grow and succeed.